After searching for a while, I found only one solutions – svn2cl by Arthur de Jong. It is pretty straight forward, using the xml output of the svn log command and applying a XSL Stylesheet. It supports the standard GNU Changelog text format and a basic html formated one. The tool comes standard as a korn-shell script for Unix only, but luckily there is a windows port by Iwasa Kazmi using csript.
I could have just called the script via a <Exec> task, but this would have been no fun. The script uses the MSBuild Community Extensions.
In addition to just the Changelog I wanted to include
- Creation time
- The Subversion Repository root and revision
- HTML format with revision links back to our trac – changeset browser
- Embed the style sheet, so the generated html file is self sufficient
How to use it
<Project xmlns=""> <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MSBuildCommunityTasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets"/> <Import Project="./Build/svn2cl/svn2cl.targets"/> <PropertyGroup> <!-- pick up the workspace repository root or overwrite here --> <!--<Svn2clRepositoryPath> ... </Svn2clRepositoryPath>--> <!-- the marker ## will be replaced with the revision number --> <Svn2clRevisionLink>https://trac-location/trac/project/changeset/##/</Svn2clRevisionLink> <Svn2clLimit>100</Svn2clLimit> <Svn2clChangelogFile>./Changelog.html</Svn2clChangelogFile> <!-- by default take the current workspace revision --> <!--<Svn2clTopRevision>HEAD</Svn2clTopRevision>--> </PropertyGroup> <Target Name="BuildChangeLog" DependsOnTargets="SvnChangeLog"/> </Project>
Repository information
I am using the SvnInfo task from the Community Extensions to determine information about the workspace.<!-- If Svn2clRepositoryPath is not set, get the information from the current working directory --> <SvnInfo LocalPath="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)" Condition="$(Svn2clRepositoryPath) == ''"> <Output TaskParameter="RepositoryPath" PropertyName="Svn2clRepositoryPath"/> <Output TaskParameter="Revision" PropertyName="Svn2clTopRevision"/> </SvnInfo> <Error Condition="$(Svn2clRepositoryPath) == ''" Text="Could not determine the Svn2clRepositoryPath"/>
Embed the CSS Style Sheet
I didn’t like the fact that the CSS Style sheet was just referenced, so I changed the XSLT to include it.<!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [ <!ENTITY newl "&#xA;"> <!ENTITY space " "> <!ENTITY css SYSTEM "svn2html.css"> ]> ... <xsl:template match="log"> <html> <head> <title><xsl:value-of select="string($title)" /></title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <style type="text/css"> &css; </style> </head> <body>
Subversion UID’s to real user names with email
The XSL can also read author information from a xml file and include them in the Changelog.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <authors xmlns:html=""> <author uid="bscholze"> Bernd Scholze <<html:a href=""></html:a>> </author> <author uid="nobody"> Who's this <> </author> </authors>
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ReplyDeleteI can't download the MSBuild task, please, post again! Thanks
ReplyDeleteUpdated the download link